legitster 9 hours ago

> Both Walmart and Kroger have publicly stated that they will not be using these new digital price tags to implement surge pricing. Most people hearing that likely respond with an intense eye roll and a vigorous jerk-off hand motion, possibly while making a fart sound with their mouth, and then letting out a deeply sarcastic “Sure thing, buddy.”

What's even the point of journalism at this point?

If you don't like the answer you are getting you can do this old fashioned thing called "investigation".

Asking the laziest possible question knowing that you are going to flippantly reject whatever you are told just so you can engage in free-verse speculation seems like a waste of everybody's time.

bell-cot 9 hours ago

I ditched Kroger in (IIR) the late-ish 90's. The were just rolling out their first loyalty/discount card program, which would record all your purchases.

In-store, the people trying to sign me up for the card swore up and down that all my purchase data would be used for absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

Talking to business publications, Kroger's Investor Relations people were bragging about all the uses that they would be making of their customers' purchase data.