Aeolun a minute ago

It’s called xls, but it uses Google sheets?

mns06 18 minutes ago

Amazing. I used to run a startup that allowed you to write Python scripts that streamed data into Excel in real time - for eg.

The python scripts were deployed PaaS style into a Kubernetes cluster.

If only we'd had the insight to manage our control plane via Excel also, we'd probably be squillionaires by now. :P

baq 3 hours ago

Better than yaml.

Spreadsheets are underused as an UI. Every time you embed a table component in your app you probably wouldn’t complain about it being one.

  • nicman23 26 minutes ago

    the bar is in hell

dhab 2 hours ago

Love it. I generally avoided excel when my previous role was a dev. Now, leading a team - I find it more useful as it's a little universe to add various computations (counts, min, max) of various sorts of data that I want to keep track across projects & create charts etc, create rapid UIs (project timelines etc) and easily change them when required, invite collaborators, use that to replace slides to drive meeting discussions

It's quite versatile. I had never considered this angle of using it to manage and sync with something external like Kubernetes here and love it.

I wish someone also solved the issue with excel around refactoring though - esp when cells are being used in formulas, if there was a "Find All References" or Cmd+SHIFT+F (global find) of elements used in formula (not their values) - it would step it up even more towards maintainability.

(I understand it buckles under huge datasets, but I believe that's really over-use of the tool)

fulafel 12 minutes ago

> xlskubectl integrates Google Spreadsheet with Kubernetes

Great trolling in the name as well

  • ithkuil 3 minutes ago

    Other possible names:





jauntywundrkind 5 hours ago

Love it.

For a different sort of person, but there's some rather old efforts to expose Kubernetes & Etcd under FUSE , which would also be neat direct access.

And since I was curious, there's also a spreadsheet to FUSE too,

As far as I know, the only 3d representation of Kubernetes is KubeDoom,

osigurdson 5 hours ago

I love the company's mission statement:

"Replacing YAML with spreadsheets has always been our mission as a company, and we will continue to do so."

  • GuinansEyebrows 4 hours ago

    They’re not worse than YAML…

    • cm2187 4 hours ago

      In fact as a configuration file, spreadsheets are a much superior UI, you can change lots of numbers very quickly if your config is tabular in nature. Whether it is a good idea that what you type should modify a prod environment live is a different question. Working in finance and living in spreadsheet it sounds like a terrible design to me. You want to be to inspect the whole config change before it affects the target system.

osigurdson 5 hours ago

The project is super active with lots of contributors as well. This thing is going take over!

(joking in case people didn't look - 2 commits 5 years ago)

nativeit 3 hours ago

I've never needed the distributed nature of Kubernetes, but I dig the notion of using a spreadsheet as a control interface. Does anyone know of a similar paradigm for other sysadmin applications?

awsanswers 6 hours ago

This is useful and necessary software. Keep going. This can be a wonderful demystifyer for some and a useful tool for others.

osigurdson 5 hours ago

I dunno, I tried making an example pod definition in a spreadsheet just to see what it looks like. It isn't better or more readable as everything is indented too much.

hdjrudni 4 hours ago

If it was read-only I wouldn't hate it so much. A table view of all my resources wouldn't be bad. But heaven forbidden if I hit a random number in a random cell!

adra 6 hours ago

I don't care if this works or not it makes me giddy with glee at the idea. Thanks for making my day.

  • a012 5 hours ago

    I'd be a great April 1st joke to replace ArgoCD by this spreadsheet

casper14 5 hours ago

The README and faq are really funny. "What??" as the first question is gold

jaimehrubiks 5 hours ago

Amazing software, a must have. They never merged my PR though.

BirAdam 6 hours ago

Taken the complex and making it so simple, fantastic.

moondev 3 hours ago

Now it just needs a kubectl plugin to launch Google sheets webpage with carbonyl for e2e terminal use

test6554 5 hours ago

Now let’s map helm config files to csv and use pivot tables for networking

Gee101 5 hours ago

Does it mean you can give it Finance and get rid of the IT Operations team?

  • bionsystem 3 hours ago

    Yes and give a well deserved bonus to those finance guys.